Oren's Way

Oren's Way


לקוחות מספרים

Taking Care Of The Family

To whom it may concern:

“I would likaae to let you know that Oren Solell acted as a full time guide for my entire family that arrived here from Australia for our daughter’s wedding in September 20, 2011 during an entire week. I can only say that choosing Oren as their driver and guide absolutely made their stay a great success. In June 2012 we intended to use Oren again for my son’s wedding but unfortunately he cancelled it…and when being on the other side of the equation and having to tell Oren that the trip was cancelled he also acted in extreme good faith and actually didn’t demand amounts of money he was entitled to.

I can only say that anyone considering using Oren as a guide can do so with total confidence and know they are in both professional and good hands. Just for the record I also want to state that I am in absolutely no way involved in any business venture with Oren, nor am I a friend or acquaintance of his. Everything written above I have written in good faith. Sincerely,”

September 2011, Barney, Israel

Family Wedding

“Hi Oren, Hope you are well. We had a good trip back and are more or less over the jet lag. It was a pleasure to meet you and having your services greatly enhanced our trip…so thank you again.

I am forwarding this to Bev, who is the resident photographer and she will send you a few pics, as you requested. All the best and Shabbat Shalom, Colin”

“Hi Oren, Thank you so much for the exceptional service you offered us during our stay in Israel. You made travelling for us so easy and comfortable. All our plans went off to perfection and we had a wonderful time with friends and family. This was greatly enhance by the touring we did with you. We found you to be extremely knowledgable, interesting and great company. How nice to see Israel through the eyes of an Israeli who could share so much of the history and the culture with us. For Jacqui, at fifteen, it was an ideal introduction, and interesting and varied enough to hold her attention at an age when boys and her peer group are her chief priorities.

I hope your son has settled well into the new term and that your family are well. Best wishes Bev and Colin Tow ”

September 2011, Tow family, South Africa

All Over The Country

“Hi Oren, My husband, myself and my 17 year old daughter and 14 year old son, embarked on a three week to Israel in late July 2011. I had first gotten the name of someone whom Conde Nast raved about as the “best” travel advisor for Israel. After a brief conversation with her, she had planned a stock trip, with not much room for negotiation, given our interests, with a walloping price tag. Not satisfied, I asked around and heard about Oren from a friend who absolutely raved about her trip with him and her family. Even with such a recommendation, we were a little nervous, as we wondered if we would have the same chemistry, given the significant amount of time we were going to spend with him. Well, the trip exceeded all our expectations, due to Oren’s guidance and wonderful companionship. I can’t say enough about the trip but more specifically, about Oren. We spent a significant amount of time over e-mail, discussing our interests, what our kids would like ( and not like) and Oren meticulously, carefully and creatively planned a trip, with our input, that was simply outstanding. It was the kind of trip you would never find with a typical tourist agency planning a trip for you as it included so many personal touches that Oren made happen for us. Additionally, he took us to wonderful places and was able to enhance our experiences with his extensive knowledge in a way that was engaging and interesting and his wonderful dry sense of humor kept us laughing. He is a wonderful human being and a fabulous guide and most importantly, can connect with everyone. I can’t imagine anyone better! Our memories of the trip will last a lifetime.”

July 2011 Laurie Kaplan and John Bortz, Dobbs Ferry, New York, USA

Family Tour

“Dear Oren,

Thank you so much for a fabulous trip. We couldn’t have experienced Israel any better than we did with you as our guide. Even before the trip you really took the time to listen to our requests. Our whole family loves the outdoors and love to keep moving and we asked to include various hiking or outdoor experiences into our visit. Highlights for us included rappelling in the Machtesh Ramon, visiting the Bedouins for a homemade dinner in their tent, discovering the miracle of growing tomatoes in the desert on a commercial scale, sunrise hike up Masada, going on an archeological dig in Beit Guvrin where our 13 & 14 year old boys unearthed an ancient oil lamp and an urn, and hiking in the lush Galilee in the rain(!) to a crusader fort.

You went above and beyond the call of guide when you stayed with us for an extra 2 hours when our Jerusalem apartment wasn’t quite “ready”. Instead of abandoning us outside the building while our (inept) landlady cleaned up, you took us on a tour of Jerusalem at twilight ending up at the Mount of Olives where we enjoyed seeing the lighted city from its highest point. You’d been driving since 4:30AM but remained good-natured and helpful throughout. We are forever grateful for your fine attention, organization and flexibility as our guide. Any return trip will certainly include an Oren led excursion.

Joanie Dinowitz& Scott Tashman”

March 2011, Joannie Dinowitz & Scott Tashman, Irvingtoon, NY , USA

Famliy Tour All Over

We would be happy to provide a reference. Please have them call me. Hope you and your family are well.”

December 2010, Atkins Family, USA

From Mabat Tour Operator

“Dear Oren,
The Mabat staff would like to thank you for “a job well done.
Your dedication, cooperation and hard woek made this a highly successful December season.
For this, we say – THANK YOU!
Do not hesitate to pass on to us any comments/criticism you might have.
We look forward to many years of cooperation."

December 2010, Zeev Gerstein, David Bellin, Lior Mahatabi

3 Generations Tour

“Dear Oren,
We are now back in Switzerland, and Phil is on his way to Hong Kong, ALL of us with fantastic memories of our trip to Israel.
I know how much time and effort was put into preparing the itinerary, and making all the arrangements (including time slots at the airports!), and I would like to thank all those how contributed to the success, particularly you.
Hag Sameah, and best regards,

“Dear Oren,
Many thanks for the CD you sent us which will certainly be included in some form in our Israel album J. Also you have now totally upgraded with all the little details that one forgets largely due to the numerous stops we made in different places in just 10 days.

We have really had a smashing trip and all this thanks to both you and Phil who organized it so well. It is a holiday which will most probably be forever remembered with a great deal of emotion and much happiness by those who took part. Big and small enjoyed it tremendously and each returned with their favourite story about being together in this special land and as a family.

Let us hope it is only the first of many trips. May Israel continue to thrive so it can be ready to face the next hundreds, if not thousands of years as a modern and respected nation.
Take care and warmest regards,

September 2010 Bera Family, Switzerland

Well Done​

“Mr Patricio was very pleased with the VIP service you provided for him and his family upon their arrival toTel Aviv on Tuesday. Patricio’s parents will be arriving in Tel Aviv on June 28th and we would like to go ahead and reserve the VIP service for them as well.

Thank you”

June 2010, Jenny Sevilla, Italy

Our First Trip To Israel

“Dear Oren,
Our first trip to Israel was an amazing and emotional discovery made all the more memorable by having such a fantastic guide as Oren. The knowledge of his country is very impressive and insightful and was combined with his flexibility and adaptability, which allowed us to change out itinerary if there was something in particular which sparked our interest. We would highly recommend him to anyone visiting this beautiful, fascinating country.
All our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and new year.
Kind regards”

May 2010, Maria and Elio, London UK

Luxury Tour

“Again, we want to thank you for all your efforts which at times were herculean, but you made our trip truly memorable.

This Lo, I too want to thank you for making our trip so special!! We did miss you ( a bit) this morning 🙂

Take care, Lois”

May 2010 Lois & Andrew, USA

Holy Sites

“My husband Tim and I visited Israel in April 2010. It was a lifelong dream of mine to walk the streets and valleys breathing in the air of this centuries old kingdom.
We were certainly not disappointed and left with a sense of awe and a little sadness to be going home so soon.
One of our greatest surprises was with our tour guide Oren Solell who was, in fact, more than a tour guide. He was a voice of the past who was capable of taking us by the hands into a time and place long forgotten but still imprinted in his memory. His depth and breadth of all things related to this historic nation, Jewish, Christian and Muslim was unfathomable!
We look forward to a time when we can return to Israel and spend time in country touring with him. Safety was never a concern for us, nor should it be for anyone in his care.
We highly recommend him and are available for further comments"

April 2010 Shea Family, USA

...All Over And More

“Shalom Oren,
Firstly, I am most appreciative for all your efforts to make this a special trip for us. Your patience and understanding made it very comfortable for us to be with you.

Thank you for the CD , which will be a treasured record of our visit with several “Kodak moments”-I am sure.

I am particularly appreciative and grateful of your offer to assist Estee.
Warm regards

April 2010 Todres Family, Australia

From The Airport Straight To The Dead Sea

“Hi Oren,
Oren was a great guide. We spent the day touring Masada and then I got to relax in the Dead Sea. He was prompt, professional and I felt very safe traveling through the country.”
(Note: Howie already used my services twice after this visit)

March 2010, Howie S., Connecticut, USA

Around Israel

“Dear Oren,
We are so happy for you and so proud of what you have accomplished! You are the best guide in Israel, we can attest to that. Your web site is wonderful and reflects your personality and warmth. We consider you a good friend as well. Thank you for your services and friendship. We wish you and your family continuous success and well being . We’re missing your picture at this site!
Best wishes,
From San Antonio”

October 2009 Lila, Jorge, Liat and Daniela Grosz, USA

From Jerusalem To Eilat

“Oren, It was great to see you, and really, you are a great tourguide – I’ve told my Aunt about you (and your fees!) as well as Debbie’s parents and they all still want to get in touch with you. You were awesome – OK – the mayor of Madrid – bet not as much fun as us!!!”

September 2009, Hillary Krepistman, USA

Business Service

“Hello Oren,
I am thrilled for you! Mazel Tov. You are a fantastic guide as well as being smart and a nice guy. When I plan a trip to Israel again, you will be the first person that I call. I wish you great luck and success in your new endeavor.
All best wishes”

August 2009, Kim White, USA